After intensive, informative, and creative work yesterday afternoon and passionate discussions yesterday evening, today, eight hackathon competition teams each presented their most valuable idea with the best implementation potential for improving environmental accessibility in the water tourism services and safety segment.
All ideas were valuable and useful. It was difficult for the jury to determine the winner because the participants had put their knowledge, passion, creativity, and care into developing these ideas. We are happy and proud to announce that, in a very fierce competition, the main prize of the hackathon – the opportunity to go on an experience exchange trip to Finland – was won by the “Lavender team”, representing Estonia: Ronan Leol, Sofia Dõmova, Aivar Ruukel, and Lisell Paltser.
At the hackathon’s end, all participants participated in a sympathy vote. The “Yellow team” from Latvia won the vote of sympathy: Rolands Melbārdis, Jēkabs Šķēls, Lāsma Nikolaisone, Terēza Šulca, and Beāte Jeduša.
However, all ideas presented to the jury at the end of the event will be carefully analyzed again to assess the feasibility of their implementation in the context of the project “Facilitating access to watertourism activities” (Riverways II) and other initiatives related to environmental accessibility.
We sincerely congratulate the winners and are very grateful to the hackathon participants, mentors, the jury, and everyone who helped us develop valuable ideas! A wide field of work opens up ahead!
For information: the hackathon was organized by the Vidzeme Planning Region in cooperation with the Kurzeme Planning Region and the Pärnu College of the University of Tartu as one of the activities of the project “Facilitating access to watertourism activities” (Riverways II). The aim of the event was to find new solutions and opportunities to adapt water tourism services and routes to broader groups of people, especially seniors, people with disabilities, and families with children. The Interreg Estonia – Latvia Programme 2021 – 2027 financially supported the event.