Youth and Democracy

  • youth and democracy pase
Title Youth and Democracy
Project number 0762/13R2
Programme Youth in Action

Project partners

  1. Norden Association (Sweden) (leading partner)
  2. Vidzeme Planning Region (Latvia)
  3. Molndal city (Sweden)
  4. Madona region municipality (Latvia)
  5. Goteborg city (Sweden)

Project objectives

To provide an opportunity for Swedish and Latvian youth to develop their understanding of democratic processes and to learn from the experiences of other countries on how to influence societal and political developments at the local, national, and international levels.


- 2 international seminars – experience exchange between Swedish and Latvian youth, as well as discussions with local-level and European Parliament deputies and officials; - 2 local-level seminars on opportunities for youth to participate in regional policymaking; - Engagement of local and European-level politicians and officials in discussions with youth; - Creation of social networks among the project participants; - Ensuring publicity.


- Participation of involved youth in 2 international seminars ensured; - 2 local-level seminars on opportunities for youth to participate in regional policymaking organized; - Local and European-level deputies and officials engaged in discussions with youth; - Dialogue facilitated between youth and policymakers, as well as between Swedish and Latvian youth; - Project publicity ensured.


EUR 91 900 VPR budget - EUR 20 200:

Implementation period

01.03.2014. - 31.12.2014.


Ritvars Bogdanovičs Phone. – + 371 64219027 ; +371 22383439 e-mail: