Joint actions for more efficient management of common groundwater resources (WaterAct)

  • joint actions for more efficient management of common groundwater resources wateract

Within the framework of the project, close co-operation will continue between the Estonian and Latvian organizations involved in the preparation of River Basin Management Plans in order to improve the efficiency of joint groundwater resources management in the transboundary area. Joint transboundary management of the Gauja-Koiva and Salaca-Salatsi river basins is necessary for both countries to implement the requirements of the EU water policy (Water Framework Directive 2000/60/EC).

The project is important for strengthening Latvian-Estonian cross-border cooperation. This will ensure a harmonized approach to the management of groundwater resources and the assessment of the status of groundwater bodies in the Latvian-Estonian cross-border area, thus ensuring the long-term sustainable management and protection of the main drinking water resource – groundwater.

The project aims to promote sustainable management of shared groundwater resources in a transboundary area. The goal will be achieved by (1) development of a common approach for status assessment of groundwater bodies, (2)  implementation and testing of developed approach in the Latvian-Estonian transboundary Gauja-Koiva and Salaca-Salatsi river basin districts, (3) development of common understanding about groundwater dependent ecosystem management, (4) raising public awareness and interest in groundwater management and protection.