Geomatics Rural Information Society Initiative PLUS (GRISI PLUS)

  • geomatics rural information society initiative plus grisi plus
  • geomatics rural information society initiative plus grisi plus
Title Geomatics Rural Information Society Initiative PLUS
Abbreviation GRISI PLUS
Project number 1070R4

  1. Gers Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Gers CCI) (France)
  2. Western Regional Authority (Ireland)
  3. Galway County Council (Ireland)
  4. Vidzeme Planning Region (Latvia)
  5. Latvian Association of Local and Regional Governments (Latvia)
  6. Larnaca District Development Agency (Cyprus)
  7. Local Councils` Association (Malta)
  8. Regional Development Association of Usti Region (Czech Republic)
  9. Sinergija Development Agency Ltd. (Slovenia)
  10. Regional Development Agency “Centru” (Romania)
  11. National Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Bulgaria (Bulgaria)
  12. Tartu Science Park (Estonia)
  13. Territorial Initiative for Employment and Entrepreneurship of Sintiki – Iraclia (Greece)
  14. Region of Crete (Greece)

Project objectives

The GRISI PLUS objective is to improve the effectiveness, modernize and enrich economic development policies in rural areas by increasing the use of geographical information and geomatics tools in order to face the major stakes of rural territories.


  1. To bring solutions to the stakes for the economic development of rural territories making an inventory of : available geographic data, concerned policies, existing projects for rural development, and online communication tools to diffuse good practices.
  2. Exchanging good practices observed in the field in 5 partner regions (study visits); training all partner regions in using geomatics tools to develop the attractiveness of their territory (geomatics seminar); defining a common methodology for the implementation of the good practices (workshop); defining an implementation plan for each partner region allowing the durability of actions after the project end.
  3. The GRISI PLUS objective is to show, exchange, discuss and finally implement good practices concerning two topics related to the attractiveness of rural territories by using GIS and geomatics tools.


  1. Improve and modernize economic development policies of rural areas.
  2. Contribute in the revitalization, attractiveness and economic development of isolated rural territories.
  3. Contribute in bringing new inhabitants, entrepreneurs and tourists in rural areas.
  4. Provide to decision-makers policy-support tools for the economic development of rural territories.
  5. Develop new methods for the promotion of local traditional products thanks to the new ICT.
  6. Contribute in developing and promoting local brands, in line with the specific characteristics of rural territories.
  7. Reinforce the visibility and importance of independent telework at local, national and European level.
  8. Outputs: 10 identified good practices, out of which 50% transferred; 13 implementation plans (at least 2 good practices to be implemented by each partner region); 1 good practices guide in English and in 10 other national languages; 13 local or regional policies improved.


Total budget: 1 629 550, 72 EUR

VPR budget: 92 485,00 EUR

Implementation period

1.01.2012 - 31.12.2014


Rita Merca
Mob. tel.: +371 29476373