Future Oriented Collaborative Policy Development for Rural Areas and People (PoliRural)

  • future oriented collaborative policy development for rural areas and people polirural
Title Future Oriented Collaborative Policy Development for Rural Areas and People
Abbreviation PoliRural
Project number 818496
Programme Horizon 2020

Project partners

  1. Czech University of Life Sciences in Prague (Czech Republic) (leading partner)
  2. Czech Center for Science and Society (Czech Republic)
  3. “NÚVIT” (Czech Republic)
  4. Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra (Slovakia)
  5. Agroinstitut Nitra (Slovakia)
  6. City of Nitra (Slovakia)
  7. KAJO s.r.o (Slovakia)
  8. Slovak Rural Parliament (Slovakia)
  9. Baltic Open Solutions Center (Latvia)
  10. Vidzeme Planning Region (Latvia)
  11. Institute of Agricultural Resources and Economics (Latvia)
  12. Latvian Rural Forum (Latvia)
  13. Neuropublic (Greece)
  15. Agricultural University of Athens (Greece)
  16. The Region of Sterea Ellada (Greece)
  17. Portuguese Innovation Society (Portugal)
  18. Galilee Research Institute (Israel)
  19. 21c Consultancy (Great Britain)
  20. Innovagritech srl. (Italy)
  21. Asplan Viak Internet As (Norway)
  22. Crehan, Kusano & Associates (Belgium)
  23. The Joint Institute for Innovation Policy AISBL (Belgium)
  24. Flemish Institute for Technological research (Belgium)
  25. AgFutura Technologies (Macedonia)
  26. Club of Ossiach (Austria)
  27. Empresa de transformatcion agraria SA (Spain)
  28. “Social Innolabs Foundation” (Spain)
  29. Antoni Oliva Quesada (Spain)
  30. Smart & Lean Hub Oy (Finland)
  31. Häme University of Applied Sciences (Finland)
  32. European Rural Development Network (Poland)
  33. The National Microelectronics Applications Centre Ltd (Ireland)
  34. Murgia Più (Italy)
  35. Confagricoltura Foggia (Italy)
  36. Plan4all zs (Czech Republic)
  37. Green Growth Platform (Macedonia)

Project objectives

To develop a multi-management policy innovation Centre and a European ecosystem that strengthens the evidence base for rural policy To establish the prevailing attitude towards rural policy among regional stakeholders, combining survey research with innovative text-mining techniques To explore the future paths of rural development in each participating region through a hybrid foresight approach (quantitative plus qualitative), considering the historical and current situation To develop an understanding of the perception of rural life in existing rural communities and potential newcomers


To build a strong stakeholder community for the rural ecosystem To popularize the benefits of text mining for rural policy making To advance rural policy objectives by examining the text-mining tool in various cases To make the text mining results more accessible to a wider, non-tech audience To view the concept through system dynamics prism to better understand the underlying relationships and their impact To promote the use of a combined approach (modelling of systems dynamics and scenarios) to achieve the rural policy objectives relevant to future realities


Measures to raise the attractiveness of rural areas have been identified Conceptual model for the rural ecosystem is created Citizens' view of life in rural areas is identified The interconnections between rural development and the impact of policy are understood


Total budget of the project: 5 999 875 EUR VPR budget

Implementation period

01.06.2019 – 30.09.2022


Lelde Ābele +371 29266757 lelde.abele@vidzeme.lv

More about the project
