H2Value partners get to know Vidzeme’s energy management experience

h2value partners get to know vidzemes energy management experience

In September, the H2Value project team met in Vidzeme, Latvia. Between working groups, the project team learned more about the municipality of Valmiera and its energy management experience. Our project partners Vidzeme Planning Region and the waste management company ZAAO presented the current projects with the aim of increasing energy efficiency, transition to renewable energy resources and implementation of sustainable solutions.

Valmiera municipality has joined the Covenant of Mayors – Europe and developed the Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan for 2030 year. The municipality is active in the renovation process of multi-apartment and public buildings, as well as in the replacement of street lighting with smart lighting. In the public transport sector, several diesel-electric hybrid buses and two electric buses run on the streets of Valmiera.

Project team on September 26 was hosted by SIA ZAAO in the Nature and Technology Park URDA, introducing waste management since 1998. The company thinks about sustainable solutions not only in waste management, but also in the use of renewable energy. So, for example, a solar power plant – panel park has been created. The established solar energy park will produce approximately 10% of the electricity required for landfill consumption over the years. Currently, the company has two waste collection machines, which are powered by compressed natural gas (CNG), reducing environmental pollution.

In the H2Value project, the focus is on the use of hydrogen in the transport sector, which is considered a promising direction of green energy. Getting to know the specifics and needs of each company, organization involved in the H2Value project, one can see the increasing role of hydrogen in sustainability. The Vidzeme Planning Region is currently implementing two hydrogen projects, and on both focus is on the transport sector. The other project in Vidzeme region is HyTruck. The aim of the project is to develop a transnational network of hydrogen refuelling stations for trucks in the Baltic Sea Region, that is economically and environmentally sustainable, based on common standards, meeting hauler’s needs and taking regional specifics into account. More information here: https://interreg-baltic.eu/project/hytruck/

For further questions:
Lelde Ābele
+371 29266757

Prepared by:
Baiba Šelkovska
+371 28752793