Strenči Municipality Council


Strenči Municipality Council

Coat of arms or logo


16, Valkas Street
Strenči, Strenči municipality

Internet site

Contact person

Ilona Pinzule
Project Manager
Tel.: +371 26533038
E-mail: ilona.pinzule PIE strencunovads PUNKTS lv

Legal status

Local municipality

Field of activities


Strenči municipality was established in 2009 as a result of the regional reform; it unites two towns – Strenči and Seda and two parishes – Jērcēni and Plāņi. The Municipality Council represents interests of local inhabitants, makes decisions, establishes the institutional structure, implements municipal functions, manages the municipal budget. The municipality supports culture activities in the area. The Council consists of 13 members. The Administration implements decisions of the Council. The municipality has elaborated the Development Programme 2013 -2019 with perspective till 2020.

Priorities for international cooperation

All functions related to local municipalities

Participation in international networks

EU cross-border cooperation projects

Strenči – an international raftsmen town

Ongoing cooperation 

Estonia – Latvia – Russia Cross-border  Cooperation Programme, partner in the project „Via Hanseatica”



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